
"There she goes - Miss America!" Freedom and opportunity we
ve, yet many are the tales of how we got here. But, "listen my
children and you shall hear" some of your early heritage revealed.

The here and now is being written by Marjorie Hayward Lindner

at a~e 75 - for any and all children interested. The year has turned
to 1990 and as I write I am in Florida, trusting soon to return to

our home in Michigan, town of Coldwater, where our children grew up.

In a poem I used to give as a reading when a child,written by
Edgar A. Guest, I quote, "It takes a heap
0' livin' in a house to make

it horne, "a heap 0' sun and shadder and ye sometimes have to roam,
afore ye
really 'ppreciate the things ye left behind, and ~anker
fer 'ern somehow with'em alla
ys on your mind."

But even before a house became a reality, our ancestors often

encountered many hardships to acquire even basic shelter. Arriving

as newlyweds in New York City, my maternal great grandparents, immi­
rants from Germany, Joseph and Sophia Hagelshaw, were robbed of all
their money. A cousin lived in Rochester, N.Y. but meanwhile they

were at the mercy of strangers in a big city not even understanding or

ape ak ung English. In time they found work to earn the trip to the
Rochester area, where the first of 10 children, John, my grandfather

was born.

Eventually they migrated to Calhoun County, Michigan where the

that first winter

only shelter they could find/was a boxcar where they made their home

a few miles from the town of Ceresco. Joseph found farming and car­
penter jobs, leaving the family for days at a time. Sophia made

of "'rain

weekly l:trips walking on a club foot, with a bag'on tier back to the

mill for f'ood , knitting mittens and sox as she walked.. John was
ft in char~e of caring for the younger children and other chores
in her absence. Eight sons and two daughters were taught to work
hard and save their money. In the years that followed they bought

- 2/

land and or built them and raised families.

In 1871 John Hagelshaw (then spelled Hagelschacht) married

an 18 yr. old bride, Emma Foss.

Her family had also come from Germany


and lived outside of Battle Creek. f>1y great grandparents, Henry RQSS
and.~ti. .... had 7 children and confusion of names ensued. Each family
had an Emma, a Rose, a John, and a Frank. Especially confusing was
when Emma Foss married John Hagelshaw, and John Foss married Emma

At this writing it is now 100 years later. For in. 1890 my grand­
V\a'''-.\ Capital Ave. N.E.
parents John and
Emma Hagelschacht chose their homes~~ on Maple Street

at the head of So. Union. St. in Battle Creek and house construction

be~an that was to be their home. He worked when weather kept him

from other ,jobs so lasted into winter. After 10 years of marriage
and before they moved in, my mother,
Rosabeple was born, Jan. 1891,
their first livin~ child, followed by Jesse and Richard.

Time passed and down N. Union Street awayifranother home was
ing built. My paternal great grandfather, Thomas,Hayward, had
farmed near Marshall, Michigan. \-lhen his wif~-fj;.sTh<e...." died as

well as Thomas Jr. and daughter I'Tinnie, it left Charles, my grand-

father, and wife Susan to care for Thomas in his declining years.
Charles wanted to live in town and find work as a carpenter so the

farm was sold and they moved to Battle Creek where they raised their
J<i-n I ss«

family of James, Earl/\..(my father) and Millard. Little Jesse died at

age of 3 on Christmas morning. Horse and buggy was the mode of trans-

portation and sleighs in winter. Walking

Earl noticed Rosabelle at the corner

was most prevelent.

U1~ 'f~7JtC:4J~M
house~and ~ney became

attending young people's

acquainted at the Maple Methodist Church

~atherin~s. A mild romance developed but Rosabelle was 7 years younger
than Earl. At age 15 Rosabelle went with her family for a year to


California while her father did carpenter work~ they also took


sig-ht seeing trips. One was called. a"Balloon Trip"but meant a cir-

cuitous trip trying to sell land in Hollywood at a very cheap price.
hey did.n I t buy but enjoyed. the food. and friends. Ros abelle took

the year off from high school and worked as a "cash girl" in a dep­
artment store in Los Angeles. It meant she ran with the cash when

a sale was made, to a central desk while the clerk wrapped the pack­
age for the customer. One night .he was allowed to go to a friend's
house to stay all nite with her family. As they were huddled around

a kerosene lamp to see to read, the mother suddenly asked, "who filled
the lamp?- it was nearly empty last nite?" Then asked"where did you
get it - which can?" Panic followed as the lamp was extinguished

when it was det er-mrned the fill had. been from the gasoline can. The
'Oil still in the wick had been burning and gasoline had not reached it.

The Lord saved their lives from a deadly explosion.

Meanwhile Earl, who had grown up in a country school, graduating

from the 8th grade, had attended Argubright Business College and

finished with 11gh grades. He accepted a position in Chicago. And

Rosabelle and family returned to Michigan. At the age of 19 Rosabelle
VI'/. Be ~ot

finished high scho61iand looked forward to teaching school for awhile.

One day

But the romance with Earl had blossomed. :.T f\/sEarl asked his father,

~ \

what about the age difference - was 7 years too much? Enthusiastically

his father assured him it was not and heartily approved of Rosabelle.

That summer of 1910 another house was built. Horses and buggies

were being replaced with automobiles, a few but nevertheless a definite
trend. Ha
gelshaws (spelling was changed that last year Rosabelle was

in High School) had bought a wonderful 1907 model car ..

The ladies rode always in the back seat and the question was asked of

the salesman, "Do you think ladies will ever be able to drive automobiles?

The answer was a solid, "No. It

< 1

~r--.. ~".(

So, ~1=W-g. old "Dolly If the horse ~ other equipment of trans-


/-1,,--.:i..P ,aA:..iL 0/

portationAit was decided to tear down the barn facing N. Union Street

and build the home for the to-be wedded couple. Both fathers were

skilled carpenters as well as Earl and the three worked to complete
7J1a:/b~ ~t;- a.b~-f" 0l..J fYC'O •

the new home.~~he wedding date was set for October 5, 1910

Extra heavy supports were placed in the basement of the corner

house in preparation for the very large crowd who would be attending
nd stay for the chicken and other delicasies included in a dinner

that would be served. The parlour was decorated. \'li th a floral arch

and Rosabelle came down the front stair to join Earl for the ceremony.

~ .£~r: )/a-It""",,/- <>f -'l')1..ce;t.,. (:J'-- j2-U'-1~;-..swfL.-t.:;t{·.Q .. K'JUu:t-4"'~r-

The customary rUff(ns were milling outside waiting for a chance to

separate the newlyweds, a grease pole had been prepared. But Rosabelle
chan~ed into
going away clothes, climbed out the bathroom window. A
friend helped them get to
Mlc~rd:'rs.j~h;use 2 blocks away where they hid

under the ~livingroom settee they were undetected.

in a crouched position6A1Eho spies came looking there tool But sometime

after midnight they were safely delivered to the f1ichigan Central RR

station by train time and on their way to Detroit where they had hotel

reservations and spent their honeymoon.

Moving into their new home was a delight, so nicely furnished.

The diningroom had a mahogany beamed ceiling, high leaded glass windows
above the plate rail and green burlap in the wall oblong panels outlined
with maho
gany. The large center hanging light was green glass and beaded

The house was equipped with

fringe on the scalloped edges./ Both electric and gas lights - ,

since they were just beginning to wire houses for electricity and gas

was1dependable they felt. The couch in the large parlour was of green

velvet as were the cushions on the settee and chairs matching. The

piano that was Earl's was on the north wall and a mahogany lamp table

graced the center of the room. The little mahogany rocking chair was

a wedding gift from the Kellogg Company where Earl was now employed
r $12.50 a week. Upstairs the bedroom had a large brass bed with

a birdseye maple dresser. There were 8 rooms and bath. One was a


"sewing roomll since everybody made their clothes or hired a dressmaker.
here was a reception room as you entered the front door. Mahogany


pillars separated that from the parlour. A mahogany open staircase

took you to the upstairs. A mirror door led to the kitchen opposite
front entrance door. But 'not to be overlooked was a beautiful


fireplace and mantel in the reception room, pillars,horizontal mirror,


greenA tile base and molded d r-on grates and front cover. This was

where we hung up our stockings on Christmas~

More important than the house were the coming of children to

make up the family. Sadness struck when their first child, a

beautiful full term son was stillborn. He was laid in a tiny casket

in the parlor while Rosabelle was upstairs struggling for her life

thru 3 days of convulsions. She never saw the baby whom they had

planned to name "Gordon". He was burried in the month of J.illi.i.~\l912,

3Ra=~~~Ft@a in the Hayward lot in Marshall cemetery. They questioned

having any more children. But another doctor, Dr. Kimball, carne to

town andc ou Ld /2:ive better care since Dr. Zelinski was al so mayor of
] e Creek and very busy. So, in 1914, the day after Thanksgiving,

I Mar~iorie, was born but no+ at home. My parents hired a "hack"

(horsedrawn taxi) to take Rosabelle to a maternity hospital (house)

and all went well. Three years later in Dec. 1917 mysis'i.ter; Mary

Louise was born. Earl was now working at Camp Custer where the army

was p:earing up at the beginning of \.Jorld War I. He was called home

and the delivery went well at home. Now they had 2 girls, and our
ather at a/2:e 34 would not be a soldier but served at the Liberty Club

a sort of PX at Camp Custer.

IN AU/2:. 1919 my /2:randmother Hayward died rather sudd~nly after

their return from Hig~ins Lake. She was very dear to me as I recall

the ocler of fresh tea (she was from England) and the sugar cookies

she always wrapped up for me to carry home. It was a short walk to


my ~randparents house at 129 N. Union St. but I was too little to walk

unaccompani.ed . Grandpa Hayward was only age 63 and she died age 68
of some sort of colon hlockage. He continued to live alone or Jim
the oldest son moved in after his divorce. From tea the odor chanp;ed
horne brew and zr-andpa asleep on the couch tho he continued to work

some. During his life he had the accident of his model T Ford car

running off the bridge at Verona and turning upside down with him under.
But he crawled out unhurt. I have the picture to show the car. Another

time he fell from a roof of a house he was building and landed on a rock

pileJbut escaped with bruises. His house (upper half) burned one Easter

Sunday morning. Many valuable antiques brought from England in the
1700's were damaged.
Things thrown out were the newspaper Extra edition

of the assination of President Abraham Lincoln that I remember seeinp;.

In his later life, he survived 2 more wives of Jim- the good one was

Carrie. He sold out and they bought a farm where Carrie took good

care of him. An accident turning left into the farm drive caused

a serious collision which no doubt shortened his life but he died

of stroke in 1940, age 83.

Now back t~iY9f9. Mary Lour se was stricken ~]i th nasal diphtheria

and it was contagious so I was moved next door to stay with Grandpa
and Gra
ndpa Hagelshaw. It was a sad ehristmas indeed as Mar~ Louise

struggled to survive and I opened my presents, a doll, then went to

peer thru the bay window at 15 N. Union and see my parents holding

f1ary Louise in their arms. We smi.Led thru the tears and I don't know
how lon
g it took but she recovered to the plump sweet little Mary Louise
once again. How we prai
se the Lord for His hand on our lives.

That must have been one Christmas that Gpa and Gma Hagelshaw

did not go to Florida, as brother Johnnie was born in March 1920.

But I should add here that they had adopted a little German girl

named Ruthie, 4 years older than I and she was a true thorn in my


grOldng up years and I never remember a time when there wasn't

:quthie in the lives of GMA and GPA Hagel shaw. She was 3 when she

came, spoke German and everything was "mine house, mine car" etc.,

they told me.

After the Jackson car (maybe the first one was a Franklin, not
sure) they bought an Oldsmobile sedan complete with roll up windows
a glass vase mounted inside with feather flowers. Cars were put up
n blocks and covered with sheets as were the furniture in the house

when they went to Florida. They rode by train and rented in Tampa
and St
. Petersburg. It was always"Christmas" on their arrival home
in the spring because the
y brought us presents then.

Our family attended the Maple Methodist Church every Sunday from
our infancy.
School days began at No. 5 (McKinley) School diagonal
across Maple St. at the corner. Miss Moffet was my Kindergarten

teacher. There were 2 Miss Meads, One wore a black ribbon around

her neck and drove an electric black car steared with a stick. The

other Miss Mead told me that I was no angel.

When I was 5, Mary Louise and I were again sent next door to
or-anemes when the good Dr. Kimball walked in with his little black

bag and ~its a boy!" was announced. Our father was overj{$yed. I

see him yet that evening when t.amperts came in the front door and

Daddy was halfway down the staircase grinning from ear to ear. I

guess they had been teasing him that it would probably be another girl.

Then when I turned e our mother got sick and Aunt Anna Hagelshaw
came in to take care of us and her. Mom had inflamatory rheuma

they called it and she survived weak after 10 days of water, no food.

Johnnie tried to help out in the cooking but when the cracked egg

landed half in the pan and half on the stove he called "Ay-no, Ay-no"

for help from Aunt A~~a who was upstairs.

As soon. as our mother was able it was decided she would take

Mary Louise and Johnnie with her on 3 days train trip to meet her

8/ parents in Florida. The vacation in the sunshine recuperated her
hut I wonder how the grandparents fared
. They stayed. in a hotel and

went out to eat which helped. On one such occasion, everyone was

2nd story
ettin~ ready when Johnnie, just turned 3, climbed on the/window sill

to look out the screen,which gave way tObogganing him to the ground

below, missing a sharp picket fense and a metal washtub of flowers.

Our mom raced dOTJITn the stairs in her slip and rejoiced to see Johnnie
sitting up and exclaiming, "Mamma, I f al Led l " They later checked him

out at a hospital but the only thing wrong was, he was hungry and

supper was late for everyone that nite.

Back in Michigan I was lonely but went to school and Gn~ndpa
Hayward walked down to get my meals,
Campbell's Soup usually. One

day Daddy came back from working in Kalamazoo and found me crying. He

gave me a dollar to spend any way I wanted. For what a nickel would
y, you can be sure I made that dollar last a long time. I wrote
tters to my mother and when spring came and they returned I was all
ears(of joy of course) when the train pulled in at the station and
we were unite
d again as a family. That summer or the next, Johnnie

got a tricycle and again had a narrow escape when a car backed out

of Kezartee's drive (between 2 hills) hitting the tricycle but throwing
him clear of the car. The Lord was watching over us all the way.

Then came our move to Kalamazoo when Daddy became t.r-easur-er- of
the Dixie oil Co. That was 1925 and Johnnie started kindergarten

at Woodward School 912 W. North St.

across the street from our 6 family flat the only place we could find

to rent that fall. It was an experience to be sure. We got acquainted
new kids, new schools, new church, Simpson Methodist nearby. Mom
l,ave r"!.L. and me a birthday party together. The next year we moved to
a nice bi
g house at 306 W. Walnut St. and went to Vine St. School. For
the first time in our lives the school was not ac
ross the street so

I led or pushed the others the 6 blocks. Our father built our first
radio that winter which was a great feat - big black horn speaker and

9/ we even heard the President speak. It must have been Pres.

Calvin Cooledge. During our 2t yrs. in Kalamazoo, a cousin of our

father or farther back, I do not know, brought us some good condition

very old furniture and a few dishes, because it was her strong: desire

to keep them in the Hayward family. If I remember, there was a cherry
chest of drawers, a drop leaf gateleg table, a dresser, a blue plate
nd plant dish, probably some other things. Our grandttothtr-'Jdi"dl
beautiful needlework and some of her quilts would have sold for a


mint of money today. At one time J,1m *8-:rrta 9 quilts under his sheet

so no one else would get them. His son Ralph married a woman in

ltlashington D. C. and they came with a truck to Michigan and picked up
evervthing before Gpa moved to the farm.

I said 2t years in Kalamazoo then our father wanted out of his

job at the Dixie Oil Co. Lauren "/hi te was the owner, married to a

2JQ.'/)~I .... /r~

cousin of Dad, rmamed Ni na. She was at one time interested in marrying

, .

.. : our father but being a cousin rul ed that out, but we were fri ends.


Lauren got another heart

interest, then divorced Nina and later

committed sui~ide. Nina had one son~who graduated from HS the same

.:t;fi-"HS oZ~ 7[Ojl/Y>,-<JL (~~*<?t;t...uffl1...f7YV~~ tk- ~<J...0.-v,~joA~",-)

year I did, 1932. His grandparents .(\bought 'him a new Cord automobile

for graduation and they all drove to Battle Creek and took us for a ride.

Bu:i o./~~ A;~.$J.:t6

~o lfl/\January 1927 we put our household goods in storage, Dad took

a job in Pittsburg and we moved in at 129 N.Union temporarily as our
home was rent ed. In the spring, Dad dec ided to come back home and

as school was out we got our house back and settled once again. It

.4-u-t~ /rYL~tc

was that summer that Daddy tried se11ingl\heavy aluminum cookware and

gave parties or rather put on a dinner at someone's home with the sales
pi tch af
terwards. So, for 6 weeks we moved. into rented rooms in Owosso.
We went to summer Bible school, did crafts, memorized hymns etc. It

was the last summer I sewed clothes for a little doll I had. I guess

moving around was a "learning experience." At least we have not been

afraid to move around. The Lord has blessed.


Going campin~ was the hardest work our mother admitted to ever

doinp..:. Yet, our father, a fisherman at heart, was happiest going

wherever the fish were roiting. Of course travelling to Higgins lake

was a I1regular trip each summer and once even during hunting season.

Will, Cy, SimJ Hattie, Nettie, Hulda, Phelp9 Sisters/brothers
he I1cottagell was built oy Charles and Susan, as were bothers/on

a strip of beach called Highland Park because so many vacationed

there from Detroit. We stayed only a week or two. Roads were rough

and nar-r-ow and the trip, 210 miles took two days. It meant unboarding

the windows, carryin~ the biF boat stored in the livingroom, outdoors
to scrane and paint (not flat bottom.) There was even an Indian

~Ugout we played in, in the early days. Crackleberries grew wild in

the front yard and tigerlillies for the picking. Stones were aplenty

in the clear water shore for us to wade and the sandy beach did not

drop off for a half mile. We had no dock but the neighbors were rela-

tives and we caught minnows in a trap baited with a gooey ball of

of the
oatmeal. We didn't use poles but dropped our lines over the side/boat

in front of the bigger fish which we could see. Our main diet was

perch and huckleberries. At nite we climbed the open stairway with

a kerosene lamp. The big middle bedroom was for all us kids, whoever

all they might be. We slept on straw ticks. I had a J~~ny Lind bed.
We slept with the sound of waves pounding the shore and awoke to the
~~E~E NR~E birds that san71#~a=w3~es=t~at=~ea~ea=w~t~=w~~te=~a~sT=For

I/~vyto ~-t>"I.- /.vU.<." . The pump was on the back porch.

wat er , we carried it until one summer we drove a well'l\ At milking time

we took a pitcher and went down to Carpenters Hotel and bought some.
ur only refrigerator was under a trap door on the kitchen floor

and a hole in the ground where we let down a bucket Containing butter etc.
We had a big cook stove to cook on but in cold weather we could put

our feet in the oven. We played with the chip monks which were every-

where and took food from our hands. We had lots of fun ~nd could buy

penny candy from Carpenters Hotel too. Once we sold lemonade and the
.:uests from Chaney's boarding house were our customers. We went to

Sunday School at Chaney's too.

11/ I was one year old on my first trip to Higgins Lake and


age 13 for the last one. Chaneys burnedll one year; soon after, and the

fire charred one side of our cottage. Grandpa Hayward repaired then

put it for sale a few years later. He bought, traded real estate

around. That is how we got to stay in the cottage at Gull Lake one

or more summers and attended Gull Lake Bible Conference which changed
our lives.

But first let me tell about the trips camping in the umbrella

tent and a siele tent. Usually we went with another family and wore
Uldricks family in ~'a­
khaki knickers that we slept in also. Once we went with/touring

.i~~-~~t, a~p.&.v

cars, /~ parks~ but used netting and ~ canvas roll-up beds over the

seat tops for the parents and the kids under, on the seats or car

floor. There were snakes in the grass. We ate pork and beans when

we didn't catch fish. It was hard work but I guess we liked it.

These were one night stands and my mother complained about having

to break camp every morning. Mostly we went up the Wisconsin side
to and across upper Michigan then down across the straits by ferry

boat to Higgins Lake which was a rest. We did this trip also with

H~rriet and Jess, Mary Helene and Bobby. Once we swapped children

~or a change but our cars got separated for a couple hours and the
children thought they never would see their parents again. At the
, ~ storm came up. The men got wet getting in off the lake and
were in
one tent trying to change their clothes when a terrible wind

came up. They grabbed the tent poles and lines in a frantic @ffort "
__ -------~.:J~A.v*" J -~ , ;
to protect their modesty while women 1U:te.=~#t~P.. were desperately ~

(in_another ten~)J~>raI!l~ th~~l1_ f'pr :t:lQ~ coming ~
trying to hold the center pollAand comfort the screaming children,


It was a riot @~t~d wonder we were glad to get home and rested.

Once Grandma Hagelshaw let Morn go to bed for a week and she cared

for us kids. It was a blessing words cannot describe.

12/ ~usically speaking, I was taking piano lessons at age 8 then

my mother got sick and I wanted to quit which my dad let me do. After
that y
ear, class violin lessons were offered by IVIr. Brice in the public
chools. In Kalamazoo I took private lessons and played in the Kalamazoo

Conservatory of Music orchestra. The orchestra experiences were fun -

church and High School. Rut then I d~opped after graduation. Mary

Louise took up piano and loved to practice while I did the dishes, as

the story goes. In all due respect, she had more aptitude for music.

She took over the violin also bought a piano accordian for gospel

meetings and did very well. Later she fl;b~.y:@Q. church organist. Our

brother, John took up the flute and played in the H.S. band. Music
a good expression and service,. fven if children do not make ita

life work, we could serve the Lord in this way, mnd did.

I was 13 or 14 when someone from the Epworth League of Maple
Methodist church came to our house and invited me to come to the

meetings for youth. Now, I began to feel I was growing up! But at
e 13 there were Evangelistic meetings at church and I attended

every nite. The tw~ evangelists were named Mr. Christiansen and

Ulinger. For the first time I heard about being saved rather than

doing good works to get to heaven. I knew the opposite of saved was
lost and I didn't want that so on the invitation I went to the altar.

I date my salvation from age la. Soon after that, Gypsy Smith came

to the Union Bldg. and held city wide meetings. We sang lively hynms
and gospel songs not sung by Methodists. What I didn't understand

at my conversion, I began to understand as the Gypsy told of his life

and s a'l vat Lon experience and of the many that were also drawn to

accept the Lord when they heard the vJord preached. (My attendance

at Albion College for Epworth Leage convention, with Anna Mayas my

room mate in Susanna Wesley Hall, two or three summers, were mostly

soci~lizing, church history instructive, and filled an experience need

for me only)


During this time I got mv first job.

At age 13 I spent the summer

selling' Porter's Cleanser door to door and earned money to go to Y\-JCA

Girl Reserve Camp ~t Beadle lake. I think it cost $7. Then at 14 I

got ~, job as nur-s emai d (before"baby s t tter"became a term) for the
Lawrence Fell family. My two charges were Martha age 6 and Diana age 2.
When they moved from .~ Ave. to Couhtry Club Hills, I moved with

them - it was summer. I enjo~ed the excitement of the newly built

stone house with 5 bathrooms. I slept in one guest room, not over

the garage - that was for the Ger-man maid and the gardener.

I taught

the children Christian choruses and read books to them. ~~e

w~~t@~=~~@=we8~~~I~~~~~~There was a rock garden and a

waterfAll. I remember Mrs .F~ll r-ead i nhe paper about the Stock Market
by the wat

Crash while we were out there,/ So it was 1929!

The next April I got pneumonia and was in the hospital 2 weeks.

Mom WAS sick first so I kept going longer than I should have with
king, ironing, etc. Had a hi~h fever in school and then rode by
the school in an ambulance the next day. There were no antibiotics.

I had liquids, oxygen tent, diathermy, and lots of attention, flowers,
cArds and prayer.
Mrs. Swainston encouraged my folks the most that

God would heal me. Harriet said my mother shouldn't feel so bad -

because she had another daughter if I didn't make it. Well, I passed

my crisis on Easter Sun. nite and my folks were up most of the nite.

I had noticed the worry in mv mothers face and knowing she had been

sick I commented WwhAt would we do if anything happens to you!, not

realizing it was me they were concerned about.


Our father had been a bookkeeper, bUilder, drew his own house

~luebrints, realtor for houses he built, cookware salesman, and

typewriter repairman. I went to Florida the winter after my bout

with pneumonia and attended St. Petersburg H.S. living with my grand-

parents. Returning in May I took exams here and my senior year in
eh. ]OJ2, filling in post, grl3.d. till JJune commencement 1932.


nur fp.ther sold his stock in the Dixie'Oil Co. B~d went into
business - office supply store on W. State St., Battle Creek. He
sold And repaired typewriters and had 'ltioodstock agency. Mom was
tore keeper there and helped in the gift sh~next door. However,

the depression was effecting everyone and it was not the time to begin
a business.

For 6 weeks I worked in anoffice in the Mich. Natl. B~nk Bldg
for a prom
otion Baby Show and Contest with the grand finale at the
Sl=m Union Bldg. It ended in the red and I lost 2 wks b ac k pay. Then
r=J. Mr. Pa I mer' called on H. S. p:rads not p:oin~ go college, to sell co
respondence courses. My folks let me invest $35. from my savings but
it Wr=JS R mistake. When they asked for more money I quit.

So, in JJ an. 1933, our f at her- closed the store and moved the

stock to 15 N. Union basement. We rented our home to Methodist friends
of J
esse and Harriette and took off for Florida. Grandma and Grandpa
Hagelshaw were down there and gave the garage apt. to Dad, Mom and
nnie. MRry Louise and I slept in the house at 532 9th Ave. N.
t.Petersburg. They had purchased this mome just before the crash

qt the fabulous price of $10,000 all furnished. Except for losing
money in the banks that closed, the older generation <iid well at copinp:.

I ~ot a job at Woolworth 1Store. The manager said I had bright
rp eyes to keep watch of black shoplifters who came in with their
,~ bags, He put me on the jewelry counter. Later I

squeezed fresh orange or lime jiice that sold for a glass. Hot dogs
were a nickel and once I wRtched a customer eat the napkin in which

I had wrapped the hot dog. Rows of green benches lined the sidewalks
and th
e stores stayed open till 10 p.m .. A lunch counter was in the
store A
nd B pie in the front window was to advertise the food served.
Just at
. closinp; time a lady waiting on the benches, rushed in the store
to buy that p
ie in the window. I tried to explain to her it was


not for sAle bec~use it W8S not 8 real pie (sawdust covered with
erqngue). She was furious but before the manager got there, a big
rRt r~n Rcross the aisle end she fled out the door.

Once I sold peppermints to Babe Ruth who was in town for spring
bas ebaf I training. I liked the candy counter. They told us we could
eat what we wanted just so our mouth wasn I t full when we waited on
e~rs. My hours were 11 A.M. to 10 P.M. with a 30 min. supper
break. I was $3.50 a week. A pair of silk st.ockrngs cost one
dollar so we wore r
ayon which spotted in the rain, so shiney we didn't
like them. Then came the word that President Roosevelt had put in the
Nptionp,] Recovery Act. (NRA). It c ae s ed real excitement. My pay
doubled! t
o $7. a week. Regular girls got $9.00 but in the north,
higher wages were p

Johnnie sold newspaper-s on the street and when the final edition
came out, he would run to the restaur8nts to be the first boy with
the l
atest news and recmive tips from customers.

Our family went to Gospel Tabernacle where W.T. Watson was the
pas t or-. The location was 5th Ave. So. near 9th St. S. N.L. and J.
played in the church orchestra. I had a friend, Martha Me.stin, whom
I liked during my junior year in High School. She had a boyfriend

qt First B,qptist Church so we Changed from Methodist to Southern Bapt.
where they had 13. very active youth group and SS. which attracted me a'l eo ,
t er , '.,1 joined the <jhurch And was baptized.

We hp.d P. great time that summer going to beach parties. To be
ar, the one who had a dime for a gallon of gas W8.S a real friend.
One time Virgini!=! Harrison made the station attendant wait while she
fished the dime out of her bathing suit besom. She worked in
a beauty
shop, the eldest of
7: daughters, she helped support the family.

\lJe took food "with a handle on" from home, mostly peanut butter and
jelly sandwiches. Martha's boyfriend, John Cooley, had a "skeeter"


we called it. It was a Ford chass t wi th2 bucket seata and a p:RS tank
o sit on. The gas cap had honns so we covered it with a cushion.

4 or 5 could ride total. One afternoon returning from the beach

we ran out of gas. It was very hot. John and Martha started walking.

3 of us girls spread a bl anket on the hf.ghwaywh i ch was wide open spaces,
pr-epar-ed to wR,i t. A boy came along and seeing our plight, stopped and
put Eras out of his car in our t ank then cranked i t and got it running.
Then it w~s we realized none of us knew how to drive a model T which

h!:ld 3 foot peds.Ls t ns t ead of a gear shift. Then the boy asked, Wwell
ho was driving this thing anywl3,Y?" \Jirginie. never l~cked for nerve so
she brp,vely took the wheel and got us rolling. Finally we met John

and Marth.!3. c ar-r-y Lng a borrowed gas can. We had all limtended to a.ttend
H.S. Commencement that nite but were too hot, too tired, too late.

John's father was a teacher at Florida Mill ta.ry QIcademy. He had
a Packard touring car and we could pile in a lot of kids, ride with
the top d
own and really have tJun. We have pictures of John's "harram"
Mi~)llie, Frankie, Ma.rtha, Virginia., r.1ary Louise and me, in front of

the "wi ah i ng well" at the Ac ad.emy . Then John mArri ed Martha and had

2 bAbies in rapid succession ~.nd life got more serious. John hunted
~nd hunted for a job, t.heat er- usher was not good enough. Martha. SAid
"if only John could
earn $25 A. week we would be in heaven!" The cce
beg~n p.bout then. I had a boyfriend, Burl, who gave his messenger boy
job to a mar
ried friend with a baby, bec auae Burl could qualify for
e Civilian Conservation Corp, because he had a widowed mother. Burl
went off to camp doing forestry And other assigned conservation work.
e time later, John needed spinal surgery and died before their

3rd baby was born. Martha's folks fook the babies while Martha went to
Uni v. of T
enn. and bec ame a dental technician, married A. dentist and

lived. happily ever l'I,fter. So much for the summer of 1933!


Th~t f~.11 there was a Bible Conference at Temple Terrace, location
of the newly or-gan
i z ed Florida. Bible Institute on the country club

~rounds ~nd ~olf course which had been bought very che~ply ~fter it

hp.d been forced out of business by the depression. Johnnie paid my

way, Mp,.ry Loui s e, Mom and Gp~ Hage l shaw went too. When it ended a
ur-r-Lc ane was still blowing and we started out in what WBS an 11 inch

rp..inf09ll, so coming home crossing those long causways wi th water on

both sides ne ar-Iy covering the road was sc ar-ey I The Gandj toll bridge
ad been built but we chose the long way ~round. The motor cRrowned out
countless times
and Johnnie would get out, Gpa holding the tumbrella.

while they dried off the spark plugs to get us going again. Only later
did we l
earn the trick of putting oil on the plugs so they would shed

After school at the Fla. Bible Institute had started, there were

still openings for students. Past or- v.lm. T. Watson was the president.
I cou1d keep my week-end job at Woolworths and Char-Lene Brice could

keep her piano students - the two of u~ riding with PRstor Watson,

home p.nd bpck agl3in late Sunday nites after church service in St. Peter-

sbur-g , t~P\.1.· across Gandj Bridge thru Tl3mpA. to pick up a morning paper etc.

Mrs. Brice and my mother were good friends and served the Lord in

missionary praser groups and br-anch Sunday schools.

~ The cost for room, board, end schooling was $)0 per month, half

of that sum I could earn at school in the diningroom, kitchen or yard.


'Rhe Bible courses were taught by qualified sacrificia.l teachers and

the school Attr/:tcted widely acc Lat med Bible Conference speaker-s , and Bible
College presidents who were vaCAtioning in winter, enjoying the hotel

=co ommodat.Lons and Christian s t sf'f", Billy Sunday, r amous evange1ist

wps one of them. Homer Rodeheaver, song writer dire~ed our choir

when over Thanksgivin€1; the school took a

;Y.b ,/

1 bUS]08d of us to Ft v Fl. to
- . livers, sing in al"eadm:rches.

The Judson

V~ndeVenters, omr hvmnolo~y teachers, he age 90 and she 10 or 1:9 yrs.
unger went al onz , He wrote II I Surrender All," and could sing it well
~long with other hymns he wrote. She taught piano and had helped him


put hymns to music. They were last to beard the bus and ws we drove

away, she exclaimed, "Jud, you forgot your teeth!" He retorted, "I didnot
hey are right here in my pocket!" So began an interesting trip. We
visited Ringling Bros. Euseum in Sarasota. Thanksgiving dinner was a
delicious fish fr
y over an open fire with fillets of fish pierced by

st~lks of palmetto
B.itehee River


churches furnished

leaning over the fire till done. We sat on the

banks Just below the Thomas A. Edison Bridge. Area

other food. Counting noses uefore the return trip

on Monday morning, Harold Harlee was missing. He was climbed up a

coco~nut tree to get a cocoanut for his girlfriend, so we waited.

One of tne speakers was A.I. Brown. I was happy to tell him that

it was under his ministry at Gull Lake Bible Conference that I dedicated
y life to the Lord. I remembered his advice then was _ after High School
t into a Bible training school before college. It wasthe summer I

wa.s 15 and recovering from pneumonia. Thus, in all my life, I see

the Lord leading every step of the way.

Riding home one week-end in Feb.1934, Rev. Watson broke the

news to me th8t my grandmother had had a stroke and might not live.
tl/hen I got there I Le=r-ned that it was serious and indeed she lived
A total of 8 days. Uncle JJesse and Richard rode down en the
. A funeral WAS held in st.Petersburg but she was kept in cold
, hermetically sealed under glBss until our return to Michigan

in May.

Just the day before she was stricken, our father had decided
o close the repair business of typewriters he had in Florida and
ry to get similar work in Wilson, N. Carolina. He was packed to
leave but Grna never knew about it. Morn encouraged Dad to go ahead


with his plans, expecting Gma might be sick for a 10n~ time. So,

Dl!l.d left and did not return for the f'uner-a l . From then on Mom took

care of Gpa ,

So, when school WBS out, Gpa rode the train with the body, I'lnd
we drove the trip back to Bat t Le Creek. I was driving and lvI.I.., Mom
~nd Johnnie pqssen~ers. The Lord truly helped us. Once 1'3 tire blew
t ur-ned the c ar- crossways in the rOIl&l. M.L. and John changed it.
pddy met us somewher-e mid-way, comi ngac r-o ss from N. Carol i na. In
Indi~n~ Gpa ' s c ar- burned out !'l bearing. It had not occurred to any
f us to get oil. So, 250 miles from home we were m~rooned. It was

Frid~,y and the gar-age mechanics could not work for us until Monda.y
use of NRA regulations. They had worked their limit for the week.

But with the funeral scheduled, we did persuade someone to work on

SP.t. ancl got home that night. And the funeral was held at 38.5 Ca.pita1 N.E
with open casket,

her home, the da,y was beautiful and well attended because of many

r-e l at rv es and church friends.

Bur-t aI was in Oak Grove cemetery.

Well, we h ad been gone l~ years and we found the renters at 1.5 N.

Union hAd allowed their boy to force o:pen Dad's locked desk, spending

his cherished coin collection piece by p i ec.e ,qt the candy store, Missing

.also were new £euntain pen and pencil sets and other stock from the

store which he h~d trRded or sold. But again - the pRrents blamed

the depression Rnd excused him because he needed money. It was a

SRd experience but they moved and we rented to H,q,glas. We moved in
wi th Gp~L and Dad went back to N. c ar-o l t ne .

ThRt summer our good friend and neighbor, Marjorie Gray, helped

me get a. job in the account ing dept. at Consumers Power Co. I felt

really good about going to work. M.L. got a job as salad girl at
.C. Sanitarium diningroom. My pay was $6.5 a month. During the
bank holiday we were paid by cash delivered in an armored truck and

piled on Mr. DeWindt's desk where we lined up for our money.